Wednesday, May 26, 2010

CoOl Electronic Accessories to Have

With every phone, there are always problems. But if you have a smart phone like a Blackberry, the problems are magnified uzeet. People always seem to have those rubber cases to prevent scratches but they don't last long. Go with a hard case so your phone can drop as many times (like mine) and not get scratched! Get some good ones at Wattz New or even scope out a good one from a roadside vendor (no lie). I've also seen where people say their BlackBerry has problems being charged. A good alternative to wearing on the usb port by charging is by getting a BlackBerry charging pod. It's sleek and coOl and charges just a gud, and maybe even a little faster. They are available for most models and can be sourced at Innovative on Sovereign Center. Another thing people often ask about is where they can get good earphones and what type I'd recommend. Well I normally get iLuv earphones. They're definitely available at Wattz New (Tropical Plaza and Hope Road. Kingston, Jamaica).

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